Grocer’s Market Theme for A 2 Years Old Boy & Corporate Family Day

We love this grocer’s market setup best among all the other setups, as this is really unique and is something that not everyone would have thought of!

Nobody would have guessed that a 2 years old boy will actually like such a theme, until his mummy gave us this challenging request! In fact, she wanted a supermarket theme, but the thought of an European market with grocers selling their fresh produces along the street came to our minds instead. This was a huge set up with plentiful props and we even erected a gazebo to mimic the tentage used in flea markets and bazaars. We thought that this theme would not be as popular as the other themes, but we were so wrong! To be honest, cartoon-character themes are very popular but they are considered too mainstream. With the post of this setup on our Facebook page, the responses were so overwhelming that it shocked us! We love doing big and unique setups and we hope to get more of such requests!

This was also a setup for our client’s corporate family day. It was a 2-in-1 event where the staff celebrated their bosses’ son’s 2nd birthday, together with their own families.

In this set up, we included many candies and desserts which looks like real fruits and vegetables. As we called ourselves Be Candied Candy Buffet Ministry, our specialty is to include as many candies and sweet treats in our candy and dessert buffet table set ups, which was the reason why we stayed away from putting in real fruits and vegetables. All the items provided such as bananas, lemons, tomatoes, watermelons, apples and eggs, etc. are containers/pouches that contain candies for the guests to consume on the spot or takeaway. Even the design of the birthday cake, cupcakes, macarons and cookies were all fruits and vegetables inspired. We paid very detailed attention to every single part of the set up and this is what we will provide for all our set ups!

Even the takeaway bags were specially requested from and sponsored by, since it matches the birthday boy’s name. On a side note, is an online store that specialises in toddlers and kids’ gift hampers. All their items are specially handpicked with love for their customers. Do check them out here if you are looking for gifts for kids and toddlers!

At the end of the party, we were delighted to see our clients and their guests leaving with bags of “fresh produces” from the grocery stall!